Our Name

Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth (the Aletheia) and the Life..." John 14:6

Aletheia (A-lay'-thi-a) 

means "Truth" in Greek (the language of the New Testament).

The leaders and members of Aletheia believe that Jesus is The Aletheia and it is our call to continue His ministry by His Spirit that He and demonstrated through His life, death and resurrection.

So, Aletheia is a place where...

...the Gospel is preached to those looking for hope, 

...healing is available for the brokenhearted, 

...freedom is offered to the enslaved, 

...and sight is given to the blind, 

...oppressed people are set free; 

...and every year is the year of God’s favor!

(See Isaiah 61)

How can I know Jesus as Savior?

Our Mission

Our Beliefs

Our Pillars

Our Ministry

Children's Ministry

Our Leadership

Our Affiliation