Do you Know the truth

of god's love for you?

"...and you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free!" (John 8:32)

We have ALL sinned and deserve punishment for our sins by a Holy and Just God (Romans 3:23)....THE GOOD NEWS IS...

JESUS CAME TO PAY for our sins once and for all by dying on a cross (Romans 5:8; I Corinthians 15:3-5).

GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD to show His power over all evil and make The Way for us to know Him (Acts 2:22-28; 3:18-21; Romans 8:11).

We can receive FORGIVENESS FROM SIN AND LIVE IN VICTORY over all forms of death and evil that we may encounter by believing these truths

(Romans 6).

"If we confess the Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, WE WILL BE SAVED." (Romans 10:9)

Pray this prayer to experience the freedom that only comes from knowing The Truth...

Dear God, I have sinned, against You, against others and against myself and I need Your forgiveness. I believe that You provided The Way for me to be forgiven through Jesus' death on The Cross and have demonstrated Your power to save me by raising Him from the dead. I accept His sacrifice and the forgiveness that You are offering me. Jesus, I thank You for dying for my sins too.  Thank You for being my Savior.  I confess that You are the Lord of my life and ask that You come into my life and lead me into my divine purpose so that I may truly live. I ask that You fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I will have the power to walk in a way that pleases and glorifies You, serves others and fulfills me. 

Thank You, Lord, for showing me The Truth of Your Love and helping me to follow Him.

In Jesus' Name...Amen

If you have just prayed this prayer, please call or email us and let us know!

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We would love to CELEBRATE with you and share with you some important NEXT STEPS in your life in Christ and walk with God. GOD BLESS YOU!